Are You Experiencing Back or Neck Pain Following An Injury?
Back And Neck Injury Facts That May Surprise You
Back and Neck Injuries:
Automobile accidents account for more than 40 percent of spinal injuries every year according to the Mayo Clinic.
Whiplash symptoms typically appear within 24 hours of the accident, and may include headaches at the base of the skull, pain and stiffness in the neck from being snapped back and forth like a whip, blurred vision, fatigue and dizziness.
Some patients experience no symptoms of discs being pushed out of place due to an accident until years later.
About 3% of workers will experience a non-fatal work related injury each year.
About 1 in 5 work related injuries are in the construction industry.
Repetitive motion injuries such as typing can cause work injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Overexertion injuries
are the most common work related injury.
Back and Neck Injury Causes Include:
Falling From Heights
Reaction Injuries
Falling Object Injuries
Walking Into Injuries
Vehicle Accidents
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Machine Entanglement
How To Test For Back And Neck Injury
Prior to beginning any back or neck injury pain treatment you should undergo medical evaluation and diagnostic testing procedures. This step will help determine the most effective treatment process for your specific condition.
The evaluation of the extent of your injuries is commonly evaluated through one of the following testing procedures:
A procedure used to evaluate bones, joints and degenerative lesions in the spine.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):
An MRI is a common test used to evaluate the soft tissues in the body, especially the spine’s discs, joints, nerves and bones. The test is prescribed in a weight bearing mode to better evaluate the interverbal disc spaces.
Cat Scan (CT):
A procedure used when there are suspected problems in the bones or when a patient can’t obtain an MRI.
A procedure that injects dye into the spinal column to help flex the area before being x-rayed.
A procedure used to determine the level of the painful disc.
Bone Density Test:
A procedure that is fast, painless and noninvasive.
A procedure also know as a nerve condition study used to test the nerves in the arms and legs.
Bone Scan:
A procedure that requires the patient to receive a small radioactive tracer injection that is “tagged” to a calcium like material. The tracer is typically injected into a vein in the arm. The procedure takes about 4 hours and has no side effects.
How do you know if your back or neck pain is the result of an injury and not a muscle strain? Only your doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis, but here are some symptoms to be on the lookout for:
- Whiplash – an injury most common in rear end collisions. Symptoms of whiplash include headaches at the base of the skull, pain and stiffness in the neck from being snapped back and forth like a whip, blurred vision, fatigue and dizziness.
- Spinal Fractures – an injury most common in the middle and lower back due to the upper body being thrown forward upon impact while the lower body remains restrained by your seatbelt. Symptoms of spinal fractures include moderate to severe back pain that worsens when you move, and possibly numbness or tingling. Immobilization and emergency medical attention is required whenever a spinal fracture is suspected.
- Spondylolisithesis – a stress fracture on the bone that presses against the nerves, causing pain and numbness or weakness in the leg or buttocks and difficulty walking. In some cases symptoms may not be evident for months or even years, however your doctor is able to diagnose and treat your condition to help avoid symptoms before they occur.
- Herniated Disc – can occur when the soft disc pushes through the exterior due to impact, causing weakness, tingling or numbness as a result of nerve impingement.
We treat back and neck injuries in thousands of patients without the use of:
- Drugs
- Injections or
- Surgery
Back and Neck Injury Treatment
If you are suffering with back or neck pain due to an injury there are two things you can do today to begin the process of obtaining quick and lasting relief through our Neck and Back Rejuvenation System:
- Schedule a no obligation consultation to determine if our Neck and Back Rejuvenation System is best for you.
- Enter your name and email into the form on this website to receive your FREE PATIENT’S GUIDE on How To Get Lasting Relief From Chronic Back Pain Without The Use Of Drugs, Injections or Surgery.